January 9, 2019

Writing Resolutions for 2019: Hope’s Hacks

This month’s cure: You say you want a resolution (well, you know, we all want to change the world) What the cure is: Helping your New Year’s Resolutions to work for your writing Why the cure will help: New Year’s Resolutions. We make ‘em and break ‘em. If you’re anything like me, you’ve made some for writing as well. Whether or not you keep up with them is […]
January 9, 2019

25 Trends in Publishing: Audiobooks

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
January 2, 2019
crime fiction

25 Trends in Publishing: Crime Fiction

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
December 26, 2018

25 Trends in Publishing: #OwnVoices

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
December 19, 2018
contemporary romance

25 Trends in Publishing: Contemporary Romance

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
December 12, 2018

25 Trends in Publishing: Unconventional Princesses

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
December 5, 2018
holiday seasons with writer's block

Writer’s Block During the Holiday Season (Hope’s Hacks)

This month’s cure: Twelve Days of Writer’s Block What the cure is: A list of twelve items set to a classic holiday favorite to help you work through that winter slump. Why the cure will help: Music can help spur the writing juices, especially this holiday season. And the best way to spread holiday writing cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Try out this tune and […]
December 5, 2018
platform is crucial for authors

25 Trends in Publishing: Large Platform

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
November 28, 2018
crossover; cross

25 Trends in Publishing: General Market Crossover

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
November 21, 2018

25 Trends in Publishing: Unicorns and Narwhals

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they […]
July 9, 2012


FREE-DESTINATION, GRACE, AND PRE-WILL: Comparison and Reimagining of Pre-destination and Free Will The argument between whether man has free will or, if all men are predestined by God in all that they do, is an old as the ages argument amongst scholars and men of faith.  Since the beginning of recorded history man has argued which premise is true, free will or pre-destination. This paper […]
July 10, 2012


Foreknowledge             Foreknowledge is God’s knowledge of an event, thing, or person, from some point in eternity before the actual creation of that specific event person or thing.  Foreknowledge does not necessarily require pre-destination to occur.  God is outside space and time so it is conceivable that God can have foreknowledge that an event will happen, a person will be born, or a thing will […]
July 11, 2012


POPULAR VIEWS ON FREE WILL AND PRE-DESTINATION Determinism, Indeterminism, Compatibilism, Incompatibilism, and Libertarianism             Determinism is the thesis that the past and the laws of nature together determine, at every moment, a unique future.[1]  The outright denial of this definition of determinism is indeterminism.[2] Hard determinists accept determinism and reject free will.  Incompatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are not compatible and […]
July 12, 2012


Three Possibilities             The Bible is clear that God operates a world that has elements of both free will and predestination in it.  The difficulty is determining Biblically what that world looks like and how the will of man can be explained in a Biblical framework within that world.  After narrowing down the acceptable possibilities to three, the acceptable explanation to understanding the will of […]