July 25, 2018

How to Beat Writer’s Block (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks  *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some ways she’s learned to beat that writer’s block.*  […]
July 19, 2018

5 Tips on How to Write Faster (With Bonus)

Do you want to write 30K-40K+ words in a weekend? Do you want to write faster? You can. Become a binge writer. Binge writing is an impassioned writing session during an elongated time period. It can last from five hours to fifty hours. A binge writing session is uninterrupted—apart from limited sleep. Many writers spend years attempting to finish their stories, but they never do. […]
June 19, 2018

Two Writing Podcasts You Need to Know (But Probably Aren’t Listening To)

Do you want to make $100,000+/year writing books? If so, these are two podcasts you need to start listening to today. Podcasts provide a wealth of free information, news, and strategies for helping you achieve all of your writing goals. But, most people don’t listen to podcasts, or at the very least, they aren’t listening to the right podcasts. The “right” podcasts will teach you […]
May 19, 2018

Play It Again Sports to Read It Again Books

In 1983 Play It Again Sports launched in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and within five years the store burst on the national scene through franchising opportunities. The stores used sporting equipment resale concept found quick success as many customers looked to cash-in on low prices. Many sports require equipment that has a lifetime much longer than the average participants age or developmental phase which creates an ever-growing […]
April 19, 2018

Free Passes Don’t Exist

The publishing industry doesn’t give any free passes. Ever opportunity, conversation, meeting, email, and phone call has a price. Nothing is free for anyone. What is the price? Time. Time is the most valuable currency that a writer, publisher, editor, or agent has to give. Those emails, phone calls, etc. also have a finite price tag. Someone is on the clock somewhere, but those dollars […]
March 19, 2018

Three Spellchecking Tools

  Every writer struggle with spell checking their own writing.  It’s just how our minds work. Thankfully, technology allows us to have different options on spell checking our work. Some of those options are contained within word-processing software such as Microsoft Word, Scrivener, and many others. I’ve included in this post three tech tools for authors that will help you spellcheck your work. PRO WRITING […]
February 13, 2018

What’s BookBub?

As an agent, I often come across authors and industry professionals who have no idea what BookBub is. BookBub is currently the single best promotion opportunity for any eBook and it is highly sought after by authors and publishers in the “know”. So, what is BookBub? BookBub is a free opt-in daily email that sends free and discounted eBook deals to your inbox. It notifies […]
January 19, 2018

Acquiring Unbiased Beta Readers

Last year, I wrote a series of short stories. I wanted to self-publish them in order to build my newsletter mailing list, but I needed to find unbiased Beta readers who could give me “real” feedback. I didn’t want to ask my friends and family, for fear they would give me the standard pat on the back or false approval.   I wanted raw feedback. […]
December 14, 2017

Defeat Deadlines

Do you wish you could beat writing deadlines, the smart way? Well, now you can! If you have ever struggled to beat deadlines, or struggled to hold yourself accountable to deadlines that you set yourself, be relieved. Modern research has provided some powerful insight to human psyche. M.I.T. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently completed a study. In the study they tested whether or not […]
November 15, 2017

Are you an Author or an Artist?

Are you an author or an artist? These words author and artist are not as similar as they sound. Some gifted individuals can be both, but in actuality, most people are one or the other. In the writing world, these terms are often mutually exclusive of each other. They don’t have to be, but the majority of writer’s fall in one category or another. The […]
October 9, 2014

Child Evangelists

I recently moved with my family to a new house. My children love it because we have neighbors. Neighbors who are there age, children they can play with. Like any good pastor’s kids, my children quickly asked their new friends to come to church. We were proud of their initiative, but we shared in their frustration as the neighbors reported that they are not allowed […]
February 13, 2015

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

Who doesn’t love the lyrics from the movie Frozen? I’ll admit, I know every word of every song. But before you judge me, know that I have three children under the age of eight. As a dad, it is my job to be engaged with their world and their culture. Plus who doesn’t love Disney? I like living in Ohio. We get snow all winter […]
May 13, 2015

Muddy Knees

My arms ached as I hefted around 30 pounds of a muddy grimy two-year old boy.  Even though my muscles burned, I relished every moment down the mountain. My son Carrick was worn out. Tired of stepping over roots, trudging through muddy trails, and slipping on slick wet stones, my boy succumbed to his tiredness. He was a champ. His little legs had carried him […]
May 18, 2015

Leaping Lucy

I used an American Girl doll to extract my six-year-old daughters tooth. I removed it the old-fashioned way, by tying one end of the dental floss to her tooth and the other end to Lucy, the American Girl doll. I convinced my daughter to let Lucy assist with the delicate operation. I’ll be honest this genius idea only came after thirty minutes of negotiations during […]