Discipleship Crisis in the Church Today
June 25, 2012
Movie Reviews – TED and MAGIC MIKE
June 30, 2012
Discipleship Crisis in the Church Today
June 25, 2012
Movie Reviews – TED and MAGIC MIKE
June 30, 2012

Circumcision of infants is now a crime in Germany.


The religious freedom and rights of parents no longer trumps the rights of an infant.  Parents cannot choose to have their child circumcised for religious beliefs in Germany.  This parental choice may go against the adult wishes of the infant.

Because the infant cannot decide for himself to be circumcised the German courts are now considering circumcision a crime against the infant.  This affects Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the country of Germany.  Read the article below for the full story.

German court rules religious circumcision on boys an assault

What are your thoughts… should parents have the right to choose for their child or not?

Cyle Young
Cyle Young
Cyle a binge writer, pastor, and cinnamon roll savant. He spends his day devising how to make the world a better place through the Gospel of Jesus and creating fantastic adventure for his fantasy characters in The Last Waveson novels. He is co-creator of All Out Sports and an avid indoorsman. :) He likes air conditioning more than fleas, ticks, or wasps.

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