Father’s Day Gift Ideas
June 15, 20123 reasons young Americans are giving up on God
June 16, 2012Cyle’s Smiles – John Carter (Movie Review)
This was an o.k. movie. Not good, not great, but just above average.
- I give one thumbs up for John Carter being worth a viewing.
- The visuals, sets, and scenery, were awesome
- But, the movie sometimes lulled me to sleep with it’s slow pace.
- The movie is could be o.k. for younger children if they can handle watching movies with aliens in them.
Check out the rating here for more information.
I felt that the most interesting part of the movie were the first 10 minutes where John Carter was still on Earth as a rebellious Confederate. Then he went to Mars and I fell asleep :-/
I agree that was the best part of the movie.
can anyone say…too much like star wars?
If only it were half as good as star wars. 🙁