Happy “Early” New Year
Would you like to enjoy celebrating New Year’s Eve without the late night and cranky children?
Well you can, especially if you have young children.
A couple of years ago my wife and I decided to embrace YouTube to create a unique New Year’s Eve tradition. We streamed videos of New Year’s Eve celebrations from all over the world with our children. We did this in place of staying up late.
In 2012, we celebrated the New Year at 8pm by watching the Sydney, Australia celebration via YouTube. And in 2013, we watched the London, UK celebration live via the BBC channel. The celebrations were unique and fantastic. It was awesome watching the firework displays over the Sydney Opera House and with the backdrop of Big Ben.
My children were thrilled. Our children got to eat fondue and drink their “special” juice—sparkling apple juice. We made it just as special as staying up late, except they were able to go to bed at a reasonable hour. My wife and I got to share in the New Years festivities along with our children, but without the associated attitudes and drama that often accompanies staying up late.
After our children went to bed, we were able to celebrate the New Year together as we saw fit—meaning we also cashed in early. As you know it’s tiring being a parent and you sleep any chance you get.
As a pastor and father, I try to keep New Year celebrations in perspective. They should never exceed times when my family celebrates Jesus Christ. We focus on ringing in the New Year with a prayer of thankfulness for God’s providence over the past year and ask for his continual grace in the year to come. I want to use Moldable Moments like these to create fun family experiences that always point back to Jesus.
If you don’t want to stay up late this year… Try an early celebration!