July 12, 2012
The Smoose
October 15, 2012



The truth of the matter is that no human being has the capabilities to properly understand how God works in creation.  The goal of human philosophy is to try to best understand how humans perceive God to work in creation.  Christians are aided with the help of absolute truth confined within the pages of scripture.  Unfortunately many Christians have relegated much of the truth of scripture to become myth or legend.  For those believers who question the authority and inerrancy of the original manuscripts of scripture, nothing will be able to convince them how God actually works in creation.  For those believers who adhere to scripture and who turn to scripture for answers to all of life’s toughest question, the Bible provides an ample amount of information of how God works in creation especially when pertaining to free will and predestination.  By examining scripture and philosophical viewpoints, it is easy to ascertain that God operates in this will by using both the free will choices of His believers, and the predestination and election of select groups or individuals.   Determining how that looks in the world is difficult at best; the Sacred Middle provides the best framework for understanding the changing nature of the world with the unchanging nature of God.  At different points through creation, and during different generations God has worked more closely in the world through predestination, and at other times God has been more distant and allowed free will to direct the course of individuals lives.  In the midst of that ever-changing landscape God still allows for His grace to transform the lives of those who believe in Him and that bestowing of His grace that believers freely accept helps to encourage them to make wiser and better choices.

Cyle Young
Cyle Young
Cyle a binge writer, pastor, and cinnamon roll savant. He spends his day devising how to make the world a better place through the Gospel of Jesus and creating fantastic adventure for his fantasy characters in The Last Waveson novels. He is co-creator of All Out Sports and an avid indoorsman. :) He likes air conditioning more than fleas, ticks, or wasps.

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