June 29, 2016

5 More Things I’ve Learned as a New Literary Agent… (Part 2)

Every day as a new literary agent, I have wonderful, exhilarating, and often very humorous interactions with people, editors, manuscripts, and prospective clients. These first few months at Hartline Literary Agency have provided me with an ever-growing wealth of insight that I hope will help aspiring authors on their journey to find publishing success. I am fortunate to represent clients across three continents and to […]
March 19, 2017

Three “Hot” Amazon Subgenres or Trends?

As both an author and agent, people are always asking what are some “hot” Amazon subgenres or trends. This is always a loaded question and one that is very difficult to answer. I recently reviewed some interviews from some of the biggest traditional publishers on this topic. Most of them refused to give an answer, and those that didn’t dodged the question. Why is it […]
June 15, 2017

“Smell” Writing: 5 Senses

I don’t know about you, but every time I smell cinnamon rolls in the oven, I am transported back to 1980’s. My thoughts drift to waking up on Sunday morning to the sweet smell of breakfast baking in the kitchen. My stomach growls. My mouth salivates, and I can almost hear my mother rustling the dishes. What a great memory from my childhood. Smell has […]
July 19, 2017

“Taste” Writing: 5 Senses

Now that we’ve taken a deeper look at two of the senses, sound and sight. Let’s take a more in depth look at one of the hardest senses to describe in some settings—taste. All great authors write using the five senses, and the best know how to incorporate just a touch of taste to highlight an emotion, experience, or mood, or to fill out a […]
June 29, 2016

5 More Things I’ve Learned as a New Literary Agent… (Part 2)

Every day as a new literary agent, I have wonderful, exhilarating, and often very humorous interactions with people, editors, manuscripts, and prospective clients. These first few months at Hartline Literary Agency have provided me with an ever-growing wealth of insight that I hope will help aspiring authors on their journey to find publishing success. I am fortunate to represent clients across three continents and to […]
March 19, 2017

Three “Hot” Amazon Subgenres or Trends?

As both an author and agent, people are always asking what are some “hot” Amazon subgenres or trends. This is always a loaded question and one that is very difficult to answer. I recently reviewed some interviews from some of the biggest traditional publishers on this topic. Most of them refused to give an answer, and those that didn’t dodged the question. Why is it […]
June 15, 2017

“Smell” Writing: 5 Senses

I don’t know about you, but every time I smell cinnamon rolls in the oven, I am transported back to 1980’s. My thoughts drift to waking up on Sunday morning to the sweet smell of breakfast baking in the kitchen. My stomach growls. My mouth salivates, and I can almost hear my mother rustling the dishes. What a great memory from my childhood. Smell has […]
July 19, 2017

“Taste” Writing: 5 Senses

Now that we’ve taken a deeper look at two of the senses, sound and sight. Let’s take a more in depth look at one of the hardest senses to describe in some settings—taste. All great authors write using the five senses, and the best know how to incorporate just a touch of taste to highlight an emotion, experience, or mood, or to fill out a […]