June 13, 2012

Christian or Follower?

What does it mean to be a Christian? I looked up the definition of the word “be” which can also be written as am, are, was, is, etc. The definition is as follows “To belong to a specified class or group.” So, to be a Christian is to basically join a club. If a person says they are a Christian, it is simply a statement […]
June 13, 2012

Cyle’s Smiles – Avengers

I have not seen all the movies I have provided links to the pluggedin.com reviews for.  I provide the links for your ease of reference. What I have learned is that many of you just want to know what I thought of the movie and you want to know it very quickly.  So, I have devised Cyle’s Smiles. Cyle’s Smiles is my review of the […]
June 14, 2012

Top Ten Most Amazing Places (that I have seen)

Honorable Mentions: Ohio Caverns, OH           In my childhood I was mesmerized by the Ohio Caverns. I have fond memories of the times that I visited there. Garden of the Gods, CO             I didn’t spend much time in the park but it was impressive and unique.  Stones defying gravity and the elements. 10. Niagara Falls, […]
June 15, 2012

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is coming soon.  As a father…I want to share some tips to help make it the best Father’s Day ever for your family.  First you need to recognize how your father speaks love to you and the people around him. Does he say nice things to people all the time?  Is he always doing things for others to serve them or help them?  […]
June 13, 2012

Christian or Follower?

What does it mean to be a Christian? I looked up the definition of the word “be” which can also be written as am, are, was, is, etc. The definition is as follows “To belong to a specified class or group.” So, to be a Christian is to basically join a club. If a person says they are a Christian, it is simply a statement […]
June 13, 2012

Cyle’s Smiles – Avengers

I have not seen all the movies I have provided links to the pluggedin.com reviews for.  I provide the links for your ease of reference. What I have learned is that many of you just want to know what I thought of the movie and you want to know it very quickly.  So, I have devised Cyle’s Smiles. Cyle’s Smiles is my review of the […]
June 14, 2012

Top Ten Most Amazing Places (that I have seen)

Honorable Mentions: Ohio Caverns, OH           In my childhood I was mesmerized by the Ohio Caverns. I have fond memories of the times that I visited there. Garden of the Gods, CO             I didn’t spend much time in the park but it was impressive and unique.  Stones defying gravity and the elements. 10. Niagara Falls, […]
June 15, 2012

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is coming soon.  As a father…I want to share some tips to help make it the best Father’s Day ever for your family.  First you need to recognize how your father speaks love to you and the people around him. Does he say nice things to people all the time?  Is he always doing things for others to serve them or help them?  […]