April 13, 2013
Who do you kiss goodbye first when you leave your house each day? For children to understand love, they must understand they are loved by their parents and they are loved by God. Most parents inherently do a good job of loving their children. And many do a good job of explaining to their children that God loves them, but where I have seen many […]
April 3, 2013
Joshua Place Celebrates its First Anniversary!! (Cue spontaneous applause and wild jubilation) First of all, a hearty thank you for your stay at The Joshua Place last year. In so doing, you helped fulfill our mission, which is to provide a haven of rest and relaxation for Christian leaders and their families. We happily celebrated our first-year anniversary this January. In our inaugural year we […]
April 1, 2013
If you find that you have an addiction to social pornography, the next step is to deal with it. Here are five steps to try to break its addictive hold on your life. Pray that God will help you conquer your addiction. Ask people at home, work, or school to keep you accountable to not accessing as much social media. Set a limit in the […]
March 29, 2013
Here are three ways to find out if you are addicted to social pornography. Ask close friends or family: This is usually a very quick way to find out. Ask them to be honest, and then ask them directly if they feel you have an addiction to social media. Ask co-workers: They will know if they interact with you consistently in the course of your […]
March 27, 2013
Are upwards of 70% of Christians drowning in a quagmire of social pornography? Hopefully, you agree that pornography is wrong and detrimental to the Christian walk with Christ. But what about the millions of believers who are addicted to social pornography? In fact, social pornography is just as damaging to relationships as sexually-based pornography. According to statistics, 70% of Christian men struggle with pornography. Those […]
March 22, 2013
Based off of a recent comical sign I saw, I am suggesting this as the wording for signs surrounding the game fields for All Out Sports. PLEASE REMEMBER: 1) THE ATHLETES ARE ONLY CHILDREN 2) THIS IS A ONLY A GAME 3) THE COACHES ARE VOLUNTEERS 4) THE REFEREES/UMPIRES ARE HUMAN 5) YOU ARE HERE TO SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE 6) YOU ARE NOT HERE TO […]
October 15, 2012
The Smoose I’ll take just a second to introduce, myself of course, Smoose E. Smoose. But, don’t call me a moose, I am neither or not, a koala, a panda or an ocelot. I’m a smoose, not a moose, we are not the same when you call me a moose it drives me insane. A moose has a rack that sits on his head, and […]
July 13, 2012
Conclusion The truth of the matter is that no human being has the capabilities to properly understand how God works in creation. The goal of human philosophy is to try to best understand how humans perceive God to work in creation. Christians are aided with the help of absolute truth confined within the pages of scripture. Unfortunately many Christians have relegated much of the truth […]
July 12, 2012
Three Possibilities The Bible is clear that God operates a world that has elements of both free will and predestination in it. The difficulty is determining Biblically what that world looks like and how the will of man can be explained in a Biblical framework within that world. After narrowing down the acceptable possibilities to three, the acceptable explanation to understanding the will of […]
July 11, 2012
POPULAR VIEWS ON FREE WILL AND PRE-DESTINATION Determinism, Indeterminism, Compatibilism, Incompatibilism, and Libertarianism Determinism is the thesis that the past and the laws of nature together determine, at every moment, a unique future.[1] The outright denial of this definition of determinism is indeterminism.[2] Hard determinists accept determinism and reject free will. Incompatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are not compatible and […]