July 10, 2012


Foreknowledge             Foreknowledge is God’s knowledge of an event, thing, or person, from some point in eternity before the actual creation of that specific event person or thing.  Foreknowledge does not necessarily require pre-destination to occur.  God is outside space and time so it is conceivable that God can have foreknowledge that an event will happen, a person will be born, or a thing will […]
July 9, 2012


FREE-DESTINATION, GRACE, AND PRE-WILL: Comparison and Reimagining of Pre-destination and Free Will The argument between whether man has free will or, if all men are predestined by God in all that they do, is an old as the ages argument amongst scholars and men of faith.  Since the beginning of recorded history man has argued which premise is true, free will or pre-destination. This paper […]
July 7, 2012

Mission Trip to Belize

I leave tomorrow for a missions trip in the country of Belize.  I will be going with a team of 25 others who will be sharing Christ through work projects and teaching. Thanks to donations from Mathias Media Publishing and the First Steps Discipleship Program, I will be spending three evenings teaching local pastors and missionaries in central Belize how to share Christ and create […]
July 2, 2012

Four Views of Hell – Book Critique

Book Critique I. Introduction The Four Views on Hell is a compilation book that presents four different authors arguments and their counterarguments on the issue of Hell.  The book is from a series of books published by Zondervan Publishing that examine different viewpoints on a variety of topics and doctrine in Christianity. All four viewpoints shared within the framework of the book are not necessarily […]
June 30, 2012

Long Distance Family Communication

The current technological age allows for real-time connections between grandparents and their grandchildren. The only requirement for instant communication is an Internet connection or a mobile phone.   My children talk to their grandparents using Face Time for Ipad and Iphone, and Skype on the computer.  It is easier than ever for grandparents to connect. I have a three-month-old baby at home and my parents […]
June 30, 2012

Movie Reviews – TED and MAGIC MIKE

In short… don’t go see these movies.  The f-word is used over 50 times in one and over 150 in the other.  Nudity is pervasive.  These movies are not appropriate for viewing.  I have attached the movie reviews for TED and MAGIC MIKE.
June 27, 2012

Circumcision of infants is now a crime in Germany.

  The religious freedom and rights of parents no longer trumps the rights of an infant.  Parents cannot choose to have their child circumcised for religious beliefs in Germany.  This parental choice may go against the adult wishes of the infant. Because the infant cannot decide for himself to be circumcised the German courts are now considering circumcision a crime against the infant.  This affects […]
June 25, 2012

Discipleship Crisis in the Church Today

In the US, this year 3,500 churches will close, this month 1500 pastors will leave the ministry, and today approximately 7,575 people will move on from church. Of those who move on, some never affiliate with a religion again saying they just “gradually drifted away from the religion.” America is experiencing, not only economic decline, but also church decay. Why?READ MORE HERE…
June 21, 2012

Coolest kid at the pool!

I love going to the pool at the local YMCA. The cacophony of young voices screaming “Pastor Cyle,” “Pastor Cyle,” will always lift my spirits. It is enjoyable to see families spending time together laughing and playing.  The pool seems to force dads to play with their younger children as they learn how to swim. I watched a dad play pass in the pool with […]