July 19, 2018

5 Tips on How to Write Faster (With Bonus)

Do you want to write 30K-40K+ words in a weekend? Do you want to write faster? You can. Become a binge writer. Binge writing is an impassioned writing session during an elongated time period. It can last from five hours to fifty hours. A binge writing session is uninterrupted—apart from limited sleep. Many writers spend years attempting to finish their stories, but they never do. […]
January 9, 2019

Writing Resolutions for 2019: Hope’s Hacks

This month’s cure: You say you want a resolution (well, you know, we all want to change the world) What the cure is: Helping your New Year’s Resolutions to work for your writing Why the cure will help: New Year’s Resolutions. We make ‘em and break ‘em. If you’re anything like me, you’ve made some for writing as well. Whether or not you keep up with them is […]
June 5, 2019

How to Write as you Travel

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Travel Writing  What the cure is: Finding time to be productive as you travel   Why the cure will help: Summer usually involves some sort of travel. Whether you go to the Outer Banks with your 20-30 extended family members each year or decide to take a trip up to a major city in your State for […]
July 8, 2019

Why spending time with friends helps your writing

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block)This month’s cure: Family and friends   What the cure is: Detoxing from a burn-out of writing all the time     Why the cure will help: I know, it sounds frightening. Taking a step away from the desk. But as someone who gets 5-8 bylines a week, and with book projects on top, I understand how quickly burnout can take over. […]
July 19, 2018

5 Tips on How to Write Faster (With Bonus)

Do you want to write 30K-40K+ words in a weekend? Do you want to write faster? You can. Become a binge writer. Binge writing is an impassioned writing session during an elongated time period. It can last from five hours to fifty hours. A binge writing session is uninterrupted—apart from limited sleep. Many writers spend years attempting to finish their stories, but they never do. […]
January 9, 2019

Writing Resolutions for 2019: Hope’s Hacks

This month’s cure: You say you want a resolution (well, you know, we all want to change the world) What the cure is: Helping your New Year’s Resolutions to work for your writing Why the cure will help: New Year’s Resolutions. We make ‘em and break ‘em. If you’re anything like me, you’ve made some for writing as well. Whether or not you keep up with them is […]
June 5, 2019

How to Write as you Travel

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Travel Writing  What the cure is: Finding time to be productive as you travel   Why the cure will help: Summer usually involves some sort of travel. Whether you go to the Outer Banks with your 20-30 extended family members each year or decide to take a trip up to a major city in your State for […]
July 8, 2019

Why spending time with friends helps your writing

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block)This month’s cure: Family and friends   What the cure is: Detoxing from a burn-out of writing all the time     Why the cure will help: I know, it sounds frightening. Taking a step away from the desk. But as someone who gets 5-8 bylines a week, and with book projects on top, I understand how quickly burnout can take over. […]