August 12, 2019

How Time Travel Helps You Write More

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Time Travel   What the cure is: Going to historical villages, attending medieval faires, and other historical events    Why the cure will help: For some reason, going to a historical-themed village/play/event can kindle a creative spark. Maybe seeing actors trying their best imitations of Renaissance slang or watching a good Old-Fashioned joust can not only […]
September 5, 2019

How Research Destroys Writer’s Block

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Research, research, research What the cure is: Research as much as possible about the subject you’re writing Why the cure will help: Let me tell you a story. Once upon a week ago, I decided to write the third book of my trilogy. This book frightened me because of the enormous amount of research it required. […]
July 3, 2021

How to be an Influencer… even if it is by accident

Have you ever wanted how to be an Influencer? In 2020-2021 I became an Influencer, even if it was by accident. But before I tell you my story, what actually is an influencer? An influencer, by definition, is a person with an ability to influence another to purchase products based on their recommendations. These promotions are typically done through one or more of the various […]
July 9, 2021

4 Recreational Activities You Need to Try in 2021

When you think of the word “recreation,” what comes to mind? Is it a time where you can relax and get away from your daily life, or is it something that drains all of your energy? If you’re looking for things to do in 2021 that are fun and invigorating, here’s a list of four activities to try:   Swimming Swimming is a great activity for […]
August 12, 2019

How Time Travel Helps You Write More

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Time Travel   What the cure is: Going to historical villages, attending medieval faires, and other historical events    Why the cure will help: For some reason, going to a historical-themed village/play/event can kindle a creative spark. Maybe seeing actors trying their best imitations of Renaissance slang or watching a good Old-Fashioned joust can not only […]
September 5, 2019

How Research Destroys Writer’s Block

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Research, research, research What the cure is: Research as much as possible about the subject you’re writing Why the cure will help: Let me tell you a story. Once upon a week ago, I decided to write the third book of my trilogy. This book frightened me because of the enormous amount of research it required. […]
July 3, 2021

How to be an Influencer… even if it is by accident

Have you ever wanted how to be an Influencer? In 2020-2021 I became an Influencer, even if it was by accident. But before I tell you my story, what actually is an influencer? An influencer, by definition, is a person with an ability to influence another to purchase products based on their recommendations. These promotions are typically done through one or more of the various […]
July 9, 2021

4 Recreational Activities You Need to Try in 2021

When you think of the word “recreation,” what comes to mind? Is it a time where you can relax and get away from your daily life, or is it something that drains all of your energy? If you’re looking for things to do in 2021 that are fun and invigorating, here’s a list of four activities to try:   Swimming Swimming is a great activity for […]