June 14, 2012

Top Ten Most Amazing Places (that I have seen)

Honorable Mentions: Ohio Caverns, OH           In my childhood I was mesmerized by the Ohio Caverns. I have fond memories of the times that I visited there. Garden of the Gods, CO             I didn’t spend much time in the park but it was impressive and unique.  Stones defying gravity and the elements. 10. Niagara Falls, […]
October 15, 2012

The Smoose

The Smoose I’ll take just a second to introduce, myself of course, Smoose E. Smoose. But, don’t call me a moose, I am neither or not, a koala, a panda or an ocelot. I’m a smoose, not a moose, we are not the same when you call me a moose it drives me insane. A moose has a rack that sits on his head, and […]
June 2, 2014

Binge Writer

I am a binge writer. I always have been, and I probably always will be. What is a binge writer you ask? A binge writer is an author who indulges in writing for a brief period of time. Often followed by extended periods of an absence of writing. For me, I can write 10,000-15,000 words a day typing at 25 words per minute. I know […]
June 14, 2012

Top Ten Most Amazing Places (that I have seen)

Honorable Mentions: Ohio Caverns, OH           In my childhood I was mesmerized by the Ohio Caverns. I have fond memories of the times that I visited there. Garden of the Gods, CO             I didn’t spend much time in the park but it was impressive and unique.  Stones defying gravity and the elements. 10. Niagara Falls, […]
October 15, 2012

The Smoose

The Smoose I’ll take just a second to introduce, myself of course, Smoose E. Smoose. But, don’t call me a moose, I am neither or not, a koala, a panda or an ocelot. I’m a smoose, not a moose, we are not the same when you call me a moose it drives me insane. A moose has a rack that sits on his head, and […]
June 2, 2014

Binge Writer

I am a binge writer. I always have been, and I probably always will be. What is a binge writer you ask? A binge writer is an author who indulges in writing for a brief period of time. Often followed by extended periods of an absence of writing. For me, I can write 10,000-15,000 words a day typing at 25 words per minute. I know […]