My newest post Spelunking Speculative Fiction: High Fantasy Rules! is featured at A Little Red Inc. Please check it out!
My new magazine article, Barren But Priceless, released today in Broken But Priceless Magazine. Check it out by subscribing at this link.
Check out my new blog, 5 Ways to Survive the Christian Fiction Downturn, at The Write Conversation!
Have you ever read through your manuscript only to realize the same words keep popping up like weeds in a garden? If your answer is yes, relax—we all do it. In the flurry of keystrokes, some words just appear. You didn’t want them. You don’t remember thinking them. But nevertheless, they sprout like common weeds. Your mind can often add unintentional words to your writing. […]
My newest post Spelunking Speculative Fiction: High Fantasy Rules! is featured at A Little Red Inc. Please check it out!
My new magazine article, Barren But Priceless, released today in Broken But Priceless Magazine. Check it out by subscribing at this link.
Check out my new blog, 5 Ways to Survive the Christian Fiction Downturn, at The Write Conversation!
Have you ever read through your manuscript only to realize the same words keep popping up like weeds in a garden? If your answer is yes, relax—we all do it. In the flurry of keystrokes, some words just appear. You didn’t want them. You don’t remember thinking them. But nevertheless, they sprout like common weeds. Your mind can often add unintentional words to your writing. […]