May 31, 2012

Helping Hands Don’t Hurt People!

One day my children are going to kill each other.  This may not be true but some days it sure feels that way. My wife and I recently spent time with one of our friends, Jessica W.   During our time together she shared with us the concept, “helping hands don’t hurt people.” The phrase is very simple but it is extremely profound for my 4 […]
June 2, 2012

Parentstuf App

Northpoint Church is a very large church in Atlanta, Georgia.  Northpoint uses the same curriculum for their children’s ministry that we do in Foreverland.  They have produced a helpful App for Android, Iphone, and Ipad that provides resources, lessons, and videos for parents.  If you want to be more involved in what your child is learning and your church uses First Look or 252 curriculum […]
June 4, 2012

Free Family Magazine

Thriving Family is a free magazine provided by Focus on the Family.  You can subscribe for free at their website.  You can also download the free Thriving Family Magazine App for Iphone, Ipad, and Android. This is a great magazine for parents.  Each issue covers parenting advice and ideas for parents with children from birth through high school.  It has the look and feel of […]
June 5, 2012

Venus Sun Transit

Tonight at 6:08pm EST Venus will punch a hole in the sun… or at least it will look that way. Venus will be viewable as a black dot that traverses the sun for about 18 minutes.  We will all be dead (possibly) the next time this solar phenomenon happens in 2117, so don’t miss it. Don’t stare directly at the sun.  Use a cardboard pinhole […]
May 31, 2012

Helping Hands Don’t Hurt People!

One day my children are going to kill each other.  This may not be true but some days it sure feels that way. My wife and I recently spent time with one of our friends, Jessica W.   During our time together she shared with us the concept, “helping hands don’t hurt people.” The phrase is very simple but it is extremely profound for my 4 […]
June 2, 2012

Parentstuf App

Northpoint Church is a very large church in Atlanta, Georgia.  Northpoint uses the same curriculum for their children’s ministry that we do in Foreverland.  They have produced a helpful App for Android, Iphone, and Ipad that provides resources, lessons, and videos for parents.  If you want to be more involved in what your child is learning and your church uses First Look or 252 curriculum […]
June 4, 2012

Free Family Magazine

Thriving Family is a free magazine provided by Focus on the Family.  You can subscribe for free at their website.  You can also download the free Thriving Family Magazine App for Iphone, Ipad, and Android. This is a great magazine for parents.  Each issue covers parenting advice and ideas for parents with children from birth through high school.  It has the look and feel of […]
June 5, 2012

Venus Sun Transit

Tonight at 6:08pm EST Venus will punch a hole in the sun… or at least it will look that way. Venus will be viewable as a black dot that traverses the sun for about 18 minutes.  We will all be dead (possibly) the next time this solar phenomenon happens in 2117, so don’t miss it. Don’t stare directly at the sun.  Use a cardboard pinhole […]