June 2, 2014

Binge Writer

I am a binge writer. I always have been, and I probably always will be. What is a binge writer you ask? A binge writer is an author who indulges in writing for a brief period of time. Often followed by extended periods of an absence of writing. For me, I can write 10,000-15,000 words a day typing at 25 words per minute. I know […]
September 29, 2015

Writing Contests – Winning Can’t Be Duplicated

  When it comes to entering writing contests, it’s important to remember that winning can’t be duplicated. Many children’s sports leagues contain participation awards. Writing is very different form children’s sports. Publishers and agents aren’t looking for authors who have received participation awards. They are looking for authors who can write well enough to sell books. Contests often help speed up an agents or publishers […]
July 25, 2018

How to Beat Writer’s Block (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks  *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some ways she’s learned to beat that writer’s block.*  […]
June 2, 2014

Binge Writer

I am a binge writer. I always have been, and I probably always will be. What is a binge writer you ask? A binge writer is an author who indulges in writing for a brief period of time. Often followed by extended periods of an absence of writing. For me, I can write 10,000-15,000 words a day typing at 25 words per minute. I know […]
September 29, 2015

Writing Contests – Winning Can’t Be Duplicated

  When it comes to entering writing contests, it’s important to remember that winning can’t be duplicated. Many children’s sports leagues contain participation awards. Writing is very different form children’s sports. Publishers and agents aren’t looking for authors who have received participation awards. They are looking for authors who can write well enough to sell books. Contests often help speed up an agents or publishers […]
July 25, 2018

How to Beat Writer’s Block (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks  *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some ways she’s learned to beat that writer’s block.*  […]