June 6, 2012

The Poopy Dance

My kids dance the poopy dance. I think at some point everyone does, even adults. I wish my kids would just poop in the potty.  They seem to enjoy just pooping in their pants all the time. My son didn’t get the hang of pooping in the toilet until he was almost 5. My daughter who just turned 4, is well on her way to […]
June 21, 2012

Coolest kid at the pool!

I love going to the pool at the local YMCA. The cacophony of young voices screaming “Pastor Cyle,” “Pastor Cyle,” will always lift my spirits. It is enjoyable to see families spending time together laughing and playing.  The pool seems to force dads to play with their younger children as they learn how to swim. I watched a dad play pass in the pool with […]
June 6, 2012

The Poopy Dance

My kids dance the poopy dance. I think at some point everyone does, even adults. I wish my kids would just poop in the potty.  They seem to enjoy just pooping in their pants all the time. My son didn’t get the hang of pooping in the toilet until he was almost 5. My daughter who just turned 4, is well on her way to […]
June 21, 2012

Coolest kid at the pool!

I love going to the pool at the local YMCA. The cacophony of young voices screaming “Pastor Cyle,” “Pastor Cyle,” will always lift my spirits. It is enjoyable to see families spending time together laughing and playing.  The pool seems to force dads to play with their younger children as they learn how to swim. I watched a dad play pass in the pool with […]