March 27, 2013

Are Christians Drowning in Social Pornography?

Are upwards of 70% of Christians drowning in a quagmire of social pornography? Hopefully, you agree that pornography is wrong and detrimental to the Christian walk with Christ.  But what about the millions of believers who are addicted to social pornography? In fact, social pornography is just as damaging to relationships as sexually-based pornography. According to statistics, 70% of Christian men struggle with pornography. Those […]
March 27, 2013

Are Christians Drowning in Social Pornography?

Are upwards of 70% of Christians drowning in a quagmire of social pornography? Hopefully, you agree that pornography is wrong and detrimental to the Christian walk with Christ.  But what about the millions of believers who are addicted to social pornography? In fact, social pornography is just as damaging to relationships as sexually-based pornography. According to statistics, 70% of Christian men struggle with pornography. Those […]