April 13, 2013

The Mommy First Rule

Who do you kiss goodbye first when you leave your house each day? For children to understand love, they must understand they are loved by their parents and they are loved by God. Most parents inherently do a good job of loving their children. And many do a good job of explaining to their children that God loves them, but where I have seen many […]
June 3, 2014

Mold Love by Modeling It First

Check out my post on how I mold love in the life of my five year old daughter by modeling it in how I relate to her and cherish her. Find out more about these moldable moments, at the just18summers blog.
April 13, 2013

The Mommy First Rule

Who do you kiss goodbye first when you leave your house each day? For children to understand love, they must understand they are loved by their parents and they are loved by God. Most parents inherently do a good job of loving their children. And many do a good job of explaining to their children that God loves them, but where I have seen many […]
June 3, 2014

Mold Love by Modeling It First

Check out my post on how I mold love in the life of my five year old daughter by modeling it in how I relate to her and cherish her. Find out more about these moldable moments, at the just18summers blog.