June 14, 2012

Top Ten Most Amazing Places (that I have seen)

Honorable Mentions: Ohio Caverns, OH           In my childhood I was mesmerized by the Ohio Caverns. I have fond memories of the times that I visited there. Garden of the Gods, CO             I didn’t spend much time in the park but it was impressive and unique.  Stones defying gravity and the elements. 10. Niagara Falls, […]
June 15, 2012

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is coming soon.  As a father…I want to share some tips to help make it the best Father’s Day ever for your family.  First you need to recognize how your father speaks love to you and the people around him. Does he say nice things to people all the time?  Is he always doing things for others to serve them or help them?  […]
July 7, 2012

Mission Trip to Belize

I leave tomorrow for a missions trip in the country of Belize.  I will be going with a team of 25 others who will be sharing Christ through work projects and teaching. Thanks to donations from Mathias Media Publishing and the First Steps Discipleship Program, I will be spending three evenings teaching local pastors and missionaries in central Belize how to share Christ and create […]
June 5, 2019

How to Write as you Travel

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Travel Writing  What the cure is: Finding time to be productive as you travel   Why the cure will help: Summer usually involves some sort of travel. Whether you go to the Outer Banks with your 20-30 extended family members each year or decide to take a trip up to a major city in your State for […]
June 14, 2012

Top Ten Most Amazing Places (that I have seen)

Honorable Mentions: Ohio Caverns, OH           In my childhood I was mesmerized by the Ohio Caverns. I have fond memories of the times that I visited there. Garden of the Gods, CO             I didn’t spend much time in the park but it was impressive and unique.  Stones defying gravity and the elements. 10. Niagara Falls, […]
June 15, 2012

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is coming soon.  As a father…I want to share some tips to help make it the best Father’s Day ever for your family.  First you need to recognize how your father speaks love to you and the people around him. Does he say nice things to people all the time?  Is he always doing things for others to serve them or help them?  […]
July 7, 2012

Mission Trip to Belize

I leave tomorrow for a missions trip in the country of Belize.  I will be going with a team of 25 others who will be sharing Christ through work projects and teaching. Thanks to donations from Mathias Media Publishing and the First Steps Discipleship Program, I will be spending three evenings teaching local pastors and missionaries in central Belize how to share Christ and create […]
June 5, 2019

How to Write as you Travel

Hope’s Hacks(some ways to break up that writer’s block) This month’s cure: Travel Writing  What the cure is: Finding time to be productive as you travel   Why the cure will help: Summer usually involves some sort of travel. Whether you go to the Outer Banks with your 20-30 extended family members each year or decide to take a trip up to a major city in your State for […]