Play It Again Sports to Read It Again Books
May 19, 2018
5 Tips on How to Write Faster (With Bonus)
July 19, 2018
Play It Again Sports to Read It Again Books
May 19, 2018
5 Tips on How to Write Faster (With Bonus)
July 19, 2018

Two Writing Podcasts You Need to Know (But Probably Aren’t Listening To)

Do you want to make $100,000+/year writing books? If so, these are two podcasts you need to start listening to today. Podcasts provide a wealth of free information, news, and strategies for helping you achieve all of your writing goals.

But, most people don’t listen to podcasts, or at the very least, they aren’t listening to the right podcasts. The “right” podcasts will teach you in “real-time”. They will give you excellent information, statistics, research, and ideas.

If you want to start or continue on your journey to making a living at writing books, these podcasts will be a great help and support to you on your journey.

  1. Sell More Books Show

Jim Kukral, who Dun & Bradstreet named as one of “The Most Influential Small Business People on Twitter,” and author of over 30 books, Bryan Cohen, have created the #1 Self-Publishing news podcast on the internet. They cover topics from marketing, to advice, to trends. If you want to stay connected with your pulse on the publishing industry, the Sell More Books Show is a must listen.

  1. Science Fiction and Fantasy Marketing Podcast

Bestselling authors, Lindsey Buroker, Joseph Lallo, and Jeffery Poole have teamed up to create the most helpful marketing advice and strategy show on the internet. Weekly interviews with successful authors cover a plethora of marketing strategies that will apply to almost every genre of book. This show is a must listen, even if you don’t write speculative.

If you don’t think you have time to listen to these amazing podcasts, think again. You can listen to them on the drive to and from work. Buy some headphones and you can listen while you workout, walk, jog, buy groceries, or work.

There are always small moments in every day in which you can find time to increase your knowledge of the publishing industry.

What is your favorite writing podcast and why? Leave your favorite in the comments below.




Cyle Young is an author and literary agent, husband & father of 3. As a self-proclaimed “Binge Writer”, Cyle writes over 30,000 words in a weekend. Get his free Binge Writing video class at




Cyle Young
Cyle Young
Cyle a binge writer, pastor, and cinnamon roll savant. He spends his day devising how to make the world a better place through the Gospel of Jesus and creating fantastic adventure for his fantasy characters in The Last Waveson novels. He is co-creator of All Out Sports and an avid indoorsman. :) He likes air conditioning more than fleas, ticks, or wasps.


  1. A good children’s writing podcast is Brain Burps about Books with Katie Davis. She talks about marketing, school visits, editing, and making a living as a writer.

  2. Lisa Kibler says:

    My fave is The Portfolio Life with Jeff Goins.

  3. Thanks for the information! I will check these out.

  4. I’m not an aural learner, so podcasts are not for me. I prefer to read.

  5. I love Aaron Gansky’s (and his dad, Alton) Firsts in Fiction at Great info for new and seasoned writers. The Gansky duo is funny, encouraging and have some well-known Christian authors as guests periodically.

  6. DeeDee Lake says:

    I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before now. Thanks Cyle. I will certainly be listening to these two podcasts and others about the writing industry. I’ve been listening to podcasts for the speaking industry but never thought about applying the same learning technique to my writing. Awesome!