June 12, 2012

The Story Continues…

If you are interested in writing Fiction, Non-fiction, or Children’s books, the Story Continues writer’s conference is for you. Some new friends of mine are hosting or speaking at this conference. I am sure it will be well done and you will have the opportunity to learn much. If interested please click the link below to check out the conference flier. Registration ends soon! The […]
July 25, 2018

How to Beat Writer’s Block (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks  *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some ways she’s learned to beat that writer’s block.*  […]
September 19, 2018

The Four People You Need for Your Book to Succeed (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks (some ways to break up that writer’s block) *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some […]
June 12, 2012

The Story Continues…

If you are interested in writing Fiction, Non-fiction, or Children’s books, the Story Continues writer’s conference is for you. Some new friends of mine are hosting or speaking at this conference. I am sure it will be well done and you will have the opportunity to learn much. If interested please click the link below to check out the conference flier. Registration ends soon! The […]
July 25, 2018

How to Beat Writer’s Block (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks  *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some ways she’s learned to beat that writer’s block.*  […]
September 19, 2018

The Four People You Need for Your Book to Succeed (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks (some ways to break up that writer’s block) *About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some […]