25 Trends in Publishing: Humor
September 19, 2018
25 Trends in Publishing: Political Plotlines
September 26, 2018

The Four People You Need for Your Book to Succeed (Hope’s Hacks)

Hope’s Hacks

(some ways to break up that writer’s block)

*About the column: Hope Bolinger provides biweekly tips to help you through that writer’s block slump. As a person who has suffered from severe depression and anxiety for eight years, she knows first-hand what it’s like to not want to roll out of bed and face a blank screen and blinking cursor. Here are some ways she’s learned to beat that writer’s block.* 

This month’s cure: It takes a village

What the cure is: Surrounding yourself with the right people to care for your writing.

Why the cure will help: We consider our books to be our babies. But one cannot simply rear a child alone. It takes pastors and politicians to shape our children into who they will become when facing the world (publishing world, in our instance). Consider finding one of each of these types of people to help you better your writing.

  1. The Encourager—Face it, from mediocre Goodreads reviews to content editors who didn’t quite get that symbolism you spent a week on in chapter five, a severe dearth of encouragement exists in the publishing world. Sometimes it comes in the form of a spouse, a best friend, a mother who never stopped believing in you. But, find that one person who will stand by your book when the world falls apart around it.
  2. The Realist—Sometimes, people can hear one too many encouragers and believe their first draft equates to the caliber of Hamlet. It doesn’t. And we need someone in our lives to tell us, “No, it’s not cute that your child likes to throw fits in the middle of Target.” (Translation: No, the fact you’re telling more than showing in your first chapter is not adorable). Don’t worry. The publishing world provides plenty of these.
  3. The Motivator—Without proper push, we grow lax in our writing. In our productivity. Lucky for us in this email, Cyle provides plenty of opportunities and videos that motivate us to give our all whether writing a 100,000-word novel, or a byline for a monthly newsletter.
  4. The Writer—You heard me write (buh-dum tssh). Writers need writers. Because often writers can fill the shoes of all three roles listed above. They empathize, evaluate, and encourage us in our best and worst moments.

Hope has more tips and tricks for beating her writer’s block here.

Want a critique of the first page of your manuscript before you pitch it to a publisher of agent? Hope does that for $5. Her email address is listed on her website. She can provide referrals for past first-pages she’s evaluated.