The Four People You Need for Your Book to Succeed (Hope’s Hacks)
September 19, 2018
25 Trends in Publishing: Hero Bright (Fantasy)
October 3, 2018

25 Trends in Publishing: Political Plotlines

About the column: A handful of agents and interns who work with Cyle have learned the latest and (sometimes so, sometimes not so) greatest trends in publishing right now. Tune in each week to find out what’s trending, ranging from ABA to CBA, children’s to adult. The authors of these columns have included social media tags at the end to keep up with trends they are finding. They can also be found here

Trend #7 of 25: Political Plotlines

Contributor: Megan Burkhart

Political plotlines are big in YA right now, especially fantasy and sci-fi. The political atmosphere is always heated with issues that need to be solved. And that’s the basis for a conflict in any story, right? The protagonist faces some problem that needs to be resolved.

But why politics? I’m sure many of you reading this are probably curious as to why young readers have any interest in politics/government.

Well, it has everything to do with young people realizing that they have a voice and opinions, and social media has given them an avenue to express those. Click To Tweet

Editors know this is what young people want to read about, so this is what they are publishing. In fact, many editors have told Cyle and our team that they don’t want to see as much emphasis on wars and fighting in fantasy/sci-fi stories. There can be a war going on in the distance, but they’d rather see the politics and diplomacy at work during the strife and conflict.

The best example of this right now is Tomi Adeyemi’s debut novel, Children of Blood and Bone. The simplified premise is that a king has stolen magic from a group of people and has been oppressing them for years. But now magic has come back, and the Magi will rise to claim what is theirs.

There’s no war going on, but there is a threat of war if the Magi gain their powers back. The king is oppressing a minority group, which is a hot topic in the political atmosphere right now. The focus is on the oppressed rising up and finally having the power to change their circumstances.

Young readers want a cause they can get behind. They want to make a difference and have their voices heard in society. If you can write about this, they will read about it!

Young readers want a cause they can get behind. They want to make a difference and have their voices heard in society. If you can write about this, they will read about it!

You don’t have to be talking about a particular issue in your novel. In most fantasy books, the focus is simply on an oppressed group rising up. Think about big, overarching topics that you can creatively set up in a fantastical or futuristic world.

How will your characters deal with the things our society is facing today? How does technology, magic, or some other element affect the problems they are facing? Will this affect the solution to the problem as well?


One of the greatest gifts you can give your reader is empowerment, and the YA readers of today want that. Show them their voice is important and that standing up for something they believe in is hard work but worth it in the end.

I hope this is helpful for you! Check back next week for another trend in the publishing industry. May you have a very productive writing week!

Megan Lynne Burkhart is an intern for Cyle Young and a professional writing student at Taylor University. She loves YA Fantasy and Children’s Books, and she believes being a princess is hard work. She hasn’t found her frog prince yet, and she still secretly loves the color pink, although Lake Michigan blue is a close second. You can find out more about her at



  1. Terry Palmer says:

    Thanks Cyle Young for another ‘spot on’ article. For an author, the question is, how can I write a book which addresses these concerns and get it in front of the right people? It turns out that I do, written a few years ago, during a different political battle, but similar. I have a two full length novel book series, fairly ready to go about these issues. Here is my post about it going out tomorrow .

    ‘Nother petition for prayer?
    Sometimes life makes me wonder and get down on these bony knees in prayer… Here this ol’ author sits with a two-book series called, ‘The Coming Coup’, in which two of the main characters are United States Supreme Court Justices. The story is an action/adventure, this time with a long ‘chase scene’. The two justices are on the run, because in this version, America has tilted way too far to the far left and these two justices still stand up for the constitution, for Christian values – but are now on the run for their lives because of that stand.
    What do they find but one patriot after another, doing the right thing for the judges, hiding them away when necessary as the national hunt is on for them.
    Think this might have some relevance for today? Think some publisher might want a two book deal, considering the headlines of the day?
    You see… As an author and a Biblical Christian, I see the latest uproar as a spiritual battle. Any of you authors with me on that? So that is the part which my books focus upon, the chase scenes of course, the romance parts for you ladies, but that isn’t it. It’s the focus on the spiritual battle which is ripping this country apart and how the characters react to that focus. That’s the ‘real story’.
    Hmmm, I’m sort of thinking that might appeal to a publishing house which wants to be at the front of the news, hmmm, to offer books that scream ‘relevant’.
    ‘Nother cause for prayer for this ol’ goat. Will you pray with me, to get these into the hands of a publisher in order to show and tell that, sure, the country is divided, but it’s a divide of spiritual proportions…
    Author Terry Palmer
    Please let me know if these books have the right idea for a publisher, ready to go.. almost. I’ll spin up a synopsis tomorrow for whoever responds and thanks. As always, chapters, or msc. available as soon as I bring it up to date. Sent a note to Megan Lynne about the same, thanks