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3 Ways to Reduce Stress With Video Games

Stress is a death sentence for the human body but is also a normal part of life. We all experience some stress at different points in our lives, and for many people, stress can be hard to manage. No matter what we do, stress thrives on one thing: over-working ourselves.

You can relieve stress and provide your body with the mental and physical break that it needs by playing video games. It’s a common misconception that video games are only for kids. But what if I told you that depending on the type of game, they can actually reduce stress and improve your mood? Would you believe me?

All you need is a computer, a console, or a phone, and your favorite video game to provide gaming therapy to reduce stress and induce relaxation. As someone who has experienced this first hand, let me tell you more about it. Maybe then you’ll be convinced to give them a try. 

3 ways videos games can help you reduce stress: 

1) Video games stimulate endorphins in our brain which cause a “high” feeling and can make you calmer, more at ease, and allow you to relax. You can also get a mental break from work or life in general and play some video games. It is important to find time for yourself, even if it’s just for an hour during your lunch break or before bedtime. Give it a try with a game like Tetra blocks.

2) When playing with others in multiplayer mode, you feel less lonely because there are people around you. This “community” serves as a beacon of support, encouragement, camaraderie, and brotherhood/sisterhood. No matter how you are feeling during the day, joining your gaming friends for a quick gaming session can allow you to escape and make everything feel better. Gaming friends are always working with you to achieve positive outcomes, and they can become some of the closest friends you will ever have. One of my favorites is Free Fire. I love the community and I always feel less stressed when I am playing with friends.

3) They allow you to escape from our stressful environment by creating an alternate world where you’re the hero. Everyone loves to be the hero! No matter your objective, whether you are deciphering puzzles, saving the princess, or slaying the enemies, video games allow you to feel a sense of accomplishment as you “leave your own world and its burdens” behind. Give this Star Wars game, Boots on the Ground, a try.

If you feel like you need to relieve some stress in your life, check out one of my favorite sites, It has a variety of games that are perfect for adults who want to reduce their stress levels!

Cyle Young
Cyle Young
Cyle a binge writer, pastor, and cinnamon roll savant. He spends his day devising how to make the world a better place through the Gospel of Jesus and creating fantastic adventure for his fantasy characters in The Last Waveson novels. He is co-creator of All Out Sports and an avid indoorsman. :) He likes air conditioning more than fleas, ticks, or wasps.

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